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🇹🇷A Fairytale for the Demon Lord
A Tale for Satan / İblis Lordu için bir Peri Masalı / Bajka dla króla demonów / Dongeng untuk Raja Iblis / 마왕을위한 동화 / Picture Book for the Demon Lord / Un Cuento de Hadas para El Señor de Los Demonios / Сказка для Дьявола
kim yong-hwan
I’m the Demon Queen, but for Some Reason the Hero Is Doting on Me
Watashi, Maou. Naze ka Yuusha ni Dekiaisarete imasu / 私、魔王。―なぜか勇者に溺愛されています。
Puni-chan / Yanagiya Maro / Yuzuki Kihiro
🇫🇷The celestial Demon, master of the world
신마 / Shinma
Hwang Sung
🇰🇷Manhwa,Webtoon,Seinen(M),Action,Demons,Fantasy,Historical,Martial Arts
🇮🇩The Descent Of The Demonic Master (Official)
Descent of the Demon Master / 마존현세강림기 / Нисхождение демонического мастера / نزول السيد الشيطاني / 마존현세강림기
Mayorang / gpp, Azi
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Drama,Martial Arts
Yume Chu
夢Chu↑(ドリームキッス) / 猛男藝能社 / Dream Chu / Dream Kiss / Juliet Club / Romeo School / We, the Demon, and Christmas / Yume Kiss / Traum Kuss (Deutsch)
ooya kazumi
🇯🇵Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku: Sono Mamono, Watashi ga Oishiku Itadakimasu!
悪食令嬢と狂血公爵 / The Bad Eater and the Mad Duke: I'll Eat That Demon Deliciously! / The Lady with a Peculiar Palate and the Mad-Blooded Duke / Akujiki Reijou to Kyouketsu Koushaku / 悪食令嬢と狂血公爵 ~その魔物、私が美味しくいただきます!~ / 悪食令嬢と狂血公爵〜その魔物、私が美味しくいただきます!〜
HOSHI Kanata / MIZUBE Chika
🇮🇩Gadis Untuk Sang Raja (Official)
La Promise du Roi Démon / Ningen Desuga Maou Totsugu Koto Ni Narimashita / Satan's Bride / Wangui Gongnyeo / лесная принцесса / ニンゲンですが魔王に嫁ぐことになりました / 王的贡女 / 왕의 공녀
Author(s) / LEE Dong Hee / Fuyuzora / Teore
🇨🇳If you don't have sex with a mob demon in your reincarnation, you can't survive!
転生先ではモブ悪魔とセックスしないと生き残れません! / tensei-sakide wa mobu akuma to sekkusu shinai to ikinokoremasen!
Inuta Kanco
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (The Comic)
MDZS / Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi (Official) / Mo Dao Zu Shi / The Founder of Diabolism / The Master of Diabolism / The Untamed / The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation / 陈情令 / 魔道祖师
Mo Xiang Tong Xiu / Luo Di Cheng Qiu
🇨🇳Manhua,Yaoi(BL),Action,Adaptation,Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Full Color,Historical,Martial Arts,Mystery,Shounen ai,Supernatural
Seiken Gakuin no Maken Tsukai (Official)
Demon's Sword Master of Excalibur School / Magic Sword Master of Holy Sword School / The Demon Sword Master of Excalibur Academy / 圣剑学院的魔剑使 / 圣劍學院的魔劍使 / 聖剣学院の魔剣使い
Yu Shimizu / Asuka Keigen / Asagi Tohsaka
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Ecchi,Action,Adaptation,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life
Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun (Official)
Here's Come The Demon! Iruma Kun / The Demon, Iruma-kun, Came and Enrolled! / Mairimashita! Iruma-kun / Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun / Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun / 入間同學入魔了! / 入间同学入魔了 / 魔入りました!入間くん
Osamu Nishi
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Adventure,Comedy,Fantasy,Romance,School Life,Supernatural
Love Live! Sunshine!! dj - Kyou wa Little Demon ni Mimi Souji o Shite Moraimasu!
今日はリトルデーモンに耳掃除をして貰います! / Love Live! Sunshine!! dj - Today, My Little Demon Will be Cleaning My Ears!
hon no kimochiya (2c = galore)
Doujinshi,Shoujo ai
I Was Pleased to Make a Parfait for the Demon King
Maou-sama ni Parfait wo Tsukuttara Yorokobaremashita / Maousama ni Pafe wo Tsukuttara Yorokobaremashita / Maō sama ni Pafe o Tsukuttara Yorokobaremashita / Mr. Devil Rejoiced When I Made Parfait / 魔王様にパフェを作ったら喜ばれました
Kaname Ryu
🇮🇩My Master is a Backseat Gamer (Official)
Backseating Heavenly Demon / Heavenly Demon Instructor / Mon coach, le Démon céleste / 口を挟む天魔様 / 天魔大人親臨指教 / 훈수 두는 천마님
Hwabong / Kim Jaka / Jodo
🇰🇷Manhwa,Shounen(B),Action,Martial Arts
There's a Demon Lord on the Floor
地板下的魔王大人 / フロアに魔王がいます / Floor ni Maoh ga Imasu / Floor ni Maou ga Imasu / There's a Demon Lord on the (Restaurant) Floor
hato / kawakami masaki
I’m the Only Monster Tamer in the World and Was Mistaken for the Demon Lord (Official)
The Sole Monster Tamer in the World, ~I was Mistaken as the Demon King When I Changed My Job~ / El único domador de monstruos en el mundo, ~Fui confundido como el rey demonio cuando cambié mi trabajo~ / Sekai de Tada Hitori no Mamonotsukai - Tenshoku shitara Maou ni Machigawaremashita / Sekai de Tadahitori no Mamono Tsukai ~Tenshoku Shitara Maou ni Machigawa Remashita~ / Единственный Укротитель монстров в мире. Меня ошибочно приняли за Короля демонов, когда я сменил профессию! / 世界でただ一人の魔物使い ~転職したら魔王に間違われました~ / 世界上唯一的魔物使~转职后被误认为了魔王~ / 세계에서 유일한 마물술사 ~전직했더니 마왕으로 오해받았습니다~
Kakei Senri / Doujima Norio
Demon Love Spell (Official)
Ayakashi Koi Emaki / Ayakashi no Koi Emaki / Ghost Love Story (German) / Historia guarra de fantasmas (Spanish) / Le Manuscrit des Illusions (French) / The Ghost Love Story Picture Scroll / Повесть о влюбившемся демоне / จังหวะรักปีศาจเจ้าเสน่ห์ / あやかし恋絵巻 / 妖怪恋绘卷 / 妖怪戀繪卷 / 요괴 사랑서첩
Shinjo Mayu
I Became the Demon King's Right Hand so I'm Corrupting the Story
Maou no Migiude ni Nattanode Gensaku Kaiaku Shimasu / 魔王の右腕になったので原作改悪します / I Became the Demon King’s Right Hand so I Will Alter the Original Story
Kimura / Jiro Alba
Manga,Shoujo(G),Age Gap,Demons,Fantasy,Magic,Romance,Transmigration,Villainess
Tales of Demons and Gods (Official)
Cuentos de Demonios y Dioses / Fortellinger om Demoner og Guder / Pasakojimas apie Demonus ir Dievus / Yao Shen Ji / Yaoshenji / Yêu Thần Ký / Yāo Shén Jì / Клеймо Зловещего Духа / Сказания о Демонах и Богах / 妖神记 / 요신기
Mad Snail / Jiang Ruotai
🇨🇳Manhua,Shounen(B),Action,Adventure,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Harem,Martial Arts,Wuxia
🇵🇹There's a Demon Lord on the Floor
地板下的魔王大人 / フロアに魔王がいます / Floor ni Maoh ga Imasu / Floor ni Maou ga Imasu / There's a Demon Lord on the (Restaurant) Floor
hato / kawakami masaki
🇲🇽Taimashi to Akuma-chan
Exorcist and Demon-chan / Exorcista-san y Demon-chan
🇯🇵Manga,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Slice of Life
🇮🇩Aku Menjadi Ibu dari 10 Anak Raja Iblis Terkuat di Dunia Lain.
I Became the Mother of the Strongest Demon Lord's 10 Children in Another World / I Guess I Became the Mother of the Great Demon King's 10 Children in Another World / Isekai de Saikyo Mao no Kodomotachi 10-nin no Mama ni Natchaimashita. / Maou Mama / Я стала мамой десяти детей сильнейшего демона в другом мире / 一不小心在异世界当上了最强魔王的十个孩子的妈妈 / 一不小心在異世界當上了最強魔王的十個孩子的媽媽. / 異世界で最強魔王の子供達10人のママになっちゃいました。 / 이세계에서 최강마왕의 아이들 10명의 엄마가 돼버렸습니다
🇯🇵Manga,Shoujo(G),Shounen(B),Mature,Action,Adventure,Demons,Drama,Dungeons,Fantasy,Isekai,Kids,Magic,Monsters,Reverse Isekai,Romance,Royal family,Time Travel
When I Tried Strengthening a Rusty Sword, It Turned into an OP Magic Sword (Official)
[Sabitsuita Ken] o Tameshi ni Kyōka Shite Mitara, Tondemonai Maken ni Bakemashita / "Sabitsuita Ken" wo Tameshi ni Kyoukashite Mitara, Tondemonai Maken ni Bakemashita / Когда я попытался усилить [Ржавый меч], он превратился в нелепый волшебный меч / 【さびついた剣】を試しに強化してみたら、とんでもない魔剣に化けました / 【녹슨 검】을 시험 삼아 강화해보니, 터무니없는 마검으로 변했습니다 / 我試著強化了"生銹的劍",結果變成了沒有意義的魔劍 / 我试着强化了“生铖的剑”,结果变成了没有意义的魔剑
Manno Mizuki / Hasegawa Shunya / Yaeichi
Oki no Doku desu ga, Bouken no Sho wa Maou no Mono ni Narimashita.
お気の毒ですが、冒険の書は魔王のモノになりました。 / Sorry, but the Book of Adventures Has Become the Property of the Demon Lord / Sorry, The writing of the adventure became the Devil's.
kakeru / saitou michi
🇧🇷Mairimashita! Iruma-kun
Here's Come The Demon! Iruma Kun / Iruma Giá Đáo! / Iruma w szkole demonów (Polish) / Iruma à l’école des démons / Iruma-kun en el instituto demoníaco / İşte Şeytan Geliyor! Iruma-kun / The Demon, Iruma-kun, Came and Enrolled! / Vào Ma Giới rồi đấy! Iruma-kun / Welcome to Demon School! Iruma-kun / Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun / Şeytan Okuluna Hoş geldin, Iruma-kun / Ось і прийшов демон! Ірума Кун / Приди же в Мир Демонов, Ирума-кун! / مرحبا بك ايروما كن في المدرسه الشياطين / อิรุมะคุงกับโรงเรียนปิศาจ / ฮิมุระคุงผจญในแดนปีศาจ / 入間同學入魔了! / 入间同学入魔了 / 魔入りました!入間くん / 마에 들어갔습니다! 이루마 군
Nishi Osamu
🇧🇷Manga,Shounen(B),Action,Comedy,Crossdressing,Demons,Fantasy,Magic,Monsters,Romance,School Life
Cheat Skill [Resurrection]
Cheat Skill "shisha Sosei" Ga Kakusei Shite Inishieno Maougun Wo Fukkatsu Sasete Shimaimashita ~Dare Mo Shinasenai Saikyou Hiiro~ / My Cheat Skill [Resurrection] revived me, and I ended up resurrecting The ancient demon lord’s army. ~The Strongest Healer that won’t let anyone die~ / チートスキル『死者蘇生』が覚醒して、いにしえの魔王軍を復活させてしまいました~誰も死なせない最強ヒーラー~
Hanyuu / Risumai
🇪🇸A Fairytale for the Demon Lord
A Tale for Satan / İblis Lordu için bir Peri Masalı / Bajka dla króla demonów / Dongeng untuk Raja Iblis / 마왕을위한 동화 / Picture Book for the Demon Lord / Un Cuento de Hadas para El Señor de Los Demonios / Сказка для Дьявола
kim yong-hwan
Akuma no Himitsu
アクマのひみつ / 惡魔的秘密 / 악마의 비밀 / Akuma no Sasayaki / Akumatachi no Himitsu / Before Winter Comes / Il Segreto del Diavolo / Muda na Koto Shimasho / The Demon' / s Secret / The Devil'
takanaga hinako
Demon Game / 鬼ごっこ / Game of Demon Tag / Oni Gokko
kuromasa shisei
Shounen(B),Action,Drama,School Life,Supernatural
A Breakthrough Brought by Forbidden Master and Disciple
Breakthrough with the Forbidden Master – So what if the Hero’s son is the Demon King’s disciple~ / Kindan Shitei de Breakthrough ~ Yuusha no Musuko ga Maou no Deshi de Nani ga Warui ~ / 禁断師弟でブレイクスルー~勇者の息子が魔王の弟子で何が悪い~
Anikki Burazza / Etou Yona
I’m Just a Human but I Was Raised by the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon King’s Army. The Demon King’s Daughter Loved Me and Bestowed Me the Authority to Rule Over All Attributes
人間だけど魔王軍四天王に育てられた俺は、魔王の娘に愛され支配属性の権能を与えられたました / Ningen Dakedo Maougun Shiten'nou ni Sodaterareta Ore wa, Maou no Musume ni Aisare Shihaizokusei no Ken'nou wo Ataeraremashita
Hidari Ryu / Kajiki Sui
🇯🇵Manga,Shounen(B),Adventure,Fantasy,Magic,Romance,School Life
Tengoku Daimakyou
天国大魔境 / Heavenly Great Demon / The Heaven Delusion
ishiguro masakazu / tengoku daimakyou 31
Meng Shi Zai Shang
The Distinguished Cute Master
Big Demon King Manhua
🇨🇳Manhua,Shoujo(G),Action,Comedy,Drama,Fantasy,Full Color,Martial Arts,Romance,Wuxia,Xianxia
Isekai Affair
Isekai Affair ~Ten Years After The Demon King's Subjugation, The Married Former Hero And The Female Warrior Who Lost Her Husband ~ / Isekai Affair: Ten Years After the Demon King's Subjugation, the Married Former Hero of Les and a Female Warrior Who Lost Her Husband / Isekai Furin ~ Maou Toubatsu Kara Juunen, Tsuma To Wa Resu No Moto Yuusha To, Otto Wo Nakushita Onna Senshi ~ / Isekai Furin - Maou Toubatsu kara Juunen, Tsuma to wa Resu no Moto Yuusha to, Otto wo Nakushita Onna Senshi / 異世界不倫~魔王討伐から十年、妻とはレスの元勇者と、夫を亡くした女戦士~
Ooi Masakazu / Inomaru
🇯🇵Manga,Seinen(M),Adult,Ecchi,Mature,Smut,Action,Adventure,Comedy,Demons,Drama,Fantasy,Harem,Isekai,Magic,Netorare/NTR,Romance,Royal family,Tragedy
Onikiri Jyuzo
Eye of the Dog Juuzou / Eye of the Dog, Jyuzo / 鬼斬り十蔵 / JUZO, Demon Killer
segawa masaki
How To Become A Demon Girl
Shoujo, Akuma to naru ni ha / Shoujo, Akuma to naru ni wa / 少女、悪魔となるには
Hachimaru Masaki